
Repository Browsers

User Interface

Continuous Integration

Graphs and Statistics

  • darcs-graph Render graphs of commit activity of a darcs repository
  • darcsstats Generates a HTML page with statistics of author contributions

Activity Notifications

  • DarcsMonitor - will send email to a specified recipient about new changes added to a specific darcs repository.
  • darcs-notify - sends email about patches that are pushed to, pulled to, or unpulled from a specific darcs repository.
  • darcs-patch-watch - a lambdabot plugin for posting repository changes to an IRC channel.

Project management / bug tracking

Patch Review Process

Distributed issue trackers


  • musdex
    • a pre and posthook that enables darcs to version compressed files, typically .odt or .docx files.


  • Gitit a wiki engine that can use darcs as backend.
  • DarcsWatch tracks patches submitted to projects and their status. It can be used to track personal submissions or watch a community mailing list.
  • darcsver - generate a version number from darcs history
  • darcs-mirror, a small script to push using FTP (requires lftp) to a web-site. Useful when FTP is the only write access to your public web pages.
  • Trac integration - Instructions on how to set up a trac server, thus getting a sourceforge like environment
  • darcs-server - An authenticating push / pull protocol for darcs.
  • buildbot can track and build projects from darcs repositories.
  • darcs-reannotate : a small program that will reformat “darcs annotate” to make it easier to read (only useful for darcs 2.5.x or older).