News and discussions
The Southampton sprint is over! We’ll put together a blog report soon.
Florent and Ganesh prepared a release candidate of Darcs 2.8, try it!
What would be the next big feature of Darcs 2.10? Ganesh proposed rebase, and Michael already provided feedback about this feature:
Eric asked what would be a nice mission statement for Darcs. A few propositions have been made so far:
Issues resolved in the last week (3)
- issue2125 Owen Stephens
- only warn about forcing replaces, when a force is required.
- http://bugs.darcs.net/issue2125
- issue2136 Owen Stephens
- Correctly track renames of multiple files in Changes –xml.
- http://bugs.darcs.net/issue2136
- issue2162 Owen Stephens
- Fix compilation failure with GHC 6.12
- http://bugs.darcs.net/issue2162
Patches applied in the last week (199)
- 2012-04-03 Michael Hendricks
- Haddock for Darcs.Patch.Info.patchinfo
- 2012-04-01 Eric Kow
- Convert Printer.lhs from literate Haskell.
- 2012-04-02 Owen Stephens
- Tidy and slightly refactor ProgressPatches
- Tweak command name in unrevert
- Remove some duplicate code and slight tidy in Repository.LowLevel
- Tidy/Style Repository.LowLevel
- Style/tidy Respository.Motd
- Remove warnings in Darcs.Test.Patch
- Remove warnings from Patch.Properties.Generic
- Disable all warnings for Arbitrary.PrimV3
- Fix warning in Arbitrary.Generic
- Remove warnings from Arbitrary.PatchV1
- Remove trailing whitespace from Darcs.Test.Patch.V1Model
- Remove compile warnings from Darcs.Test.Patch.V1Model
- Disable all warnings for Test.Patch.V3Model
- Remove warnings in Darcs.Test.Patch.RepoModel
- Use System.IO.Unsafe for unsafePerformIO, not Foreign
- Remove an unused import in Test.Patch.Properties.V1Set2
- Remove compile warnings in Test.Patch.Properties.Check
- Remove do-notation warning from Workaround
- Remove do-notation warning from Compat
- Remove do-notation warning from External
- Remove do-notation warning from Repository.HashedIO
- Remove do-notation warning from Repository.Merge
- Remove do-notation warning from Repository.Internal
- Remove do-notation warning from Commands.Get
- remove two do-notation warnings from Commands.Unrecord
- Remove two do-notation warnings from Commands.Optimize
- Remove do-notation warning in Commands.Tag
- Remove four do-notation warnings in Commands.Record
- Remove two do-notation warnings in SignalHandler
- Remove two do-notation warnings in Lock
- Remove do-notation warning in RunCommand
- Remove two do-notation warnings in Repository
- Remove a do-notation warning in URL.
- Tidy/style Repository.ApplyPatches
- 2012-03-31 Eric Kow
- Remove unused “gadts.h” import from Progress
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Witnesses.Unsafe.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Witnesses.Show.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Witnesses.Sealed.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Witnesses.Ordered.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Witnesses.Eq.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Resolution.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.State.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.Repair.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.Prefs.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.Old.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.Merge.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.LowLevel.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.InternalTypes.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.Internal.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.HashedRepo.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.HashedIO.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.Format.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.Cache.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.ApplyPatches.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Repository.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.ProgressPatches.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Viewing.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.V2.Real.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.V2.Non.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.V1.Viewing.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.V1.Show.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.V1.Read.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.V1.Core.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.V1.Commute.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.V1.Apply.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.TouchesFiles.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Summary.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Split.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Show.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Set.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Repair.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Read.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Show.hs
- Replace CPP witness macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Details.hs
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Witnesss.WZipper
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Core
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Commute
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Coalesce
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V3.Apply
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Show
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Read
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Details
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Core
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Commute
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Coalesce
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.V1.Apply
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Prim.Class
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Permutations
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Patchy
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.PatchInfoAnd
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Named
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Merge
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Match
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Invert
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Inspect
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Format
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.FileHunk
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Effect
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Dummy
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Depends
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.ConflictMarking
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Conflict
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Commute
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Choices
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Bundle
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Bracketed.Instances
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Bracketed
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch.Apply
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Patch
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Diff
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.CommandsAux
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.WhatsNew
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Util
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Unrevert
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Unrecord
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Test
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Tag
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.ShowRepo
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.ShowIndex
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.ShowFiles
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Send
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Rollback
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Revert
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Replace
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Repair
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Remove
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Record
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Put
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Push
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Pull
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Optimize
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.MarkConflicts
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Get
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.GZCRCs
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Convert
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Changes
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Apply
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Annotate
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Commands.Add
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Arguments
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Annotate
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in test_stub
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.WithState
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.WSub
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.V3Model
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.V1Model
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Properties.V1Set2
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Properties.V1Set1
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Properties.Real
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Properties.GenericUnwitnessed
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Properties.Generic
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Properties.Check
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Examples.Set2Unwitnessed
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Examples.Set1
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Arbitrary.Real
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Arbitrary.PrimV3
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Arbitrary.PrimV1
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Arbitrary.PatchV1
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch.Arbitrary.Generic
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Patch
- Replace witness CPP macros with plain Haskell in Darcs.Test.Misc
- 2012-03-31 Simon Michael
- another fix for utf8.sh test, update to current rollback ui
- 2012-03-27 Michael Hendricks
- List conflicted files one per line
- 2012-03-24 Guillaume Hoffmann
- make darcs test more consistent
- update manual for darcs test and repair –dry-run
- make check an alias for repair –dry-run
- add regression test to check warning message presence for darcs test
- switch to test –trackdown and test –bisect
- adapt testsuite to test –trackdown and test –bisect
- adapt test suite to switch from darcs check to darcs test
- introduce darcs test, doing the same as did check –test without repo check
- Remove the function delimiters
- 2012-02-14 Will Langstroth
- Organize export list in Darcs.Patch
- Haddock-friendly formatting for Darcs.Patch.Apply
- 2012-01-31 Owen Stephens
- Fix improper handling of FileNames that are prefixes-of, but not parents-of a target FileName.
- Add current_name attribute to created_as in changes –xml on multiple files.
- Resolve Issue2136: Correctly track renames of multiple files in Changes –xml.
- Rename withFilePaths -> withFileNames, since it operates on FileNames not FilePaths.
- Replace applyToFilepaths with applyToFilePaths to match casing of FilePath
- Add new helper function to determine if a given filename is the parentOrEqual of another.
- Use <$> instead of fmap in Patch/Apply.hs
- Refactor movedirfilename to use stripPrefix lib function, rather than equivalent hand-rolled code.
- 2012-03-29 Andreas Brandt
- Added comments for withDir and some style improvements
- 2012-03-26 Guillaume Hoffmann
- style and cleanup Darcs.Repository.Internal
- 2012-02-24 Dave Love
- Reinstate newlines lost in fix for issue1681
- 2012-03-26 Guillaume Hoffmann
- style and cleanup Darcs.Commands.Get and Darcs.Repository
- 2012-03-30 Owen Stephens
- Add check for token in working copy to issue2125 test. Remove obsolete test for issue864.
- Follow up to resolve issue2125, with style changes
- Resolve issue2125: only warn about forcing replaces, when a force is required.
- Accept issue 2125: darcs replace always warns about forcing, even when unnecessary
- Refactor/tidy-up Commands/Replace
- Extract common token-breaking code in Patch/TokenReplace
- Tidy Patch/TokenReplace
- camelcase a few identifiers in Commands/Replace
- Tidy Commands/Replace
- Resolve issue2162
- Style, tidy and start commenting Real.hs