
The “darcs-reannotate” program reformats “darcs annotate” output to look more like “cvs annotate”.

Repo: Program:

Sample Output

The original Darcs annotation format:

# File stringify.hs created by [add --exact-version option to darcs which gives its precise version.
# David Roundy <>**20040730104030]  as ./stringify.hs
# Following line added by [add --exact-version option to darcs which gives its precise version.
# David Roundy <>**20040730104030] 
 module Main where
# Following line added by [add --exact-version option to darcs which gives its precise version.
# David Roundy <>**20040730104030] 

# Following line added by [No need to use C for Context
# Ian Lynagh <>**20050409145935] 
 import Data.List (intersperse)
# Following line added by [No need to use C for Context
# Ian Lynagh <>**20050409145935] 
 import System.Environment (getArgs)
# Following line added by [No need to use C for Context
# Ian Lynagh <>**20050409145935] 
 import System.IO (hGetContents, stdin)
# Following line added by [add --exact-version option to darcs which gives its precise version.
# David Roundy <>**20040730104030] 

# Following line added by [add --exact-version option to darcs which gives its precise version.
# David Roundy <>**20040730104030] 
 main :: IO ()
# Following line added by [No need to use C for Context
# Ian Lynagh <>**20050409145935] 
 main = do [modulename, varname] <- getArgs
# Following line added by [add --exact-version option to darcs which gives its precise version.
# David Roundy <>**20040730104030] 
           thedata <- hGetContents stdin
# Following line added by [fix newlines in stringify.
# David Roundy <>**20050409154243] 
           let pretty_data = concat $ intersperse "\\n\\\n \\"
# Following line added by [No need to use C for Context
# Ian Lynagh <>**20050409145935] 
                           $ map (init . tail . show) $ lines thedata
# Following line added by [No need to use C for Context
# Ian Lynagh <>**20050409145935] 
           putStrLn $ "module " ++ modulename ++ " (" ++ varname ++ ") where"
# Following line added by [No need to use C for Context
# Ian Lynagh <>**20050409145935] 
           putStrLn $ varname ++ " :: String"
# Following line added by [No need to use C for Context
# Ian Lynagh <>**20050409145935] 
           putStrLn $ varname ++ " = \"" ++ pretty_data ++ "\""
# Following line added by [No need to use C for Context
# Ian Lynagh <>**20050409145935] 

“darcs-reannotate” program will reformat it to:

-- Patches --

DavidR: David Roundy <>, 04/09/05 15:42:43
 * fix newlines in stringify.

IanL: Ian Lynagh <>, 04/09/05 14:59:35
 * No need to use C for Context

DavidR2: David Roundy <>, 07/30/04 10:40:30
 * add --exact-version option to darcs which gives its precise version.

-- File Contents --

DavidR2: module Main where
   IanL: import Data.List (intersperse)
      ^  import System.Environment (getArgs)
      ^  import System.IO (hGetContents, stdin)
      ^  main :: IO ()
   IanL: main = do [modulename, varname] <- getArgs
DavidR2:           thedata <- hGetContents stdin
 DavidR:           let pretty_data = concat $ intersperse "\\n\\\n \\"
   IanL:                           $ map (init . tail . show) $ lines thedata
      ^            putStrLn $ "module " ++ modulename ++ " (" ++ varname ++ ") where"
      ^            putStrLn $ varname ++ " :: String"
      ^            putStrLn $ varname ++ " = \"" ++ pretty_data ++ "\""


You’ll need Python to run the program. It accepts input through standard input or through files listed on the command line. All output goes to standard output.

Known Issues

This program crashes on certain valid inputs. Darcs’ annotation output uses a special format when describing changes from the latest patchset in the repo. This program doesn’t understand that format yet. This should only happen when annotating files that are touched by the latest patchset. To work around this issue, you can record a new temporary patchset that doesn’t affect any of the files you want to annotate. I think the proper way to fix this is to change Darcs to (optionally) eliminate special treatment of the latest patch.

The date parsing library routine doesn’t seem to recognize many time zones (at least, when run on my machine). There’s a hack in there to recognize some of the time zones used in Darcs’ own repo (look at the “INPUT_TIME_FORMATS” array).