
Bulk removal from nosy lists

I have a script ~kowey/roundup-tools/remove-nosy.py that helps with this

Bulk change of issue status

We wanted to change all issues marked as resolved-in-unstable before a certain date, to resolved. The roundup-admin command-line tool on darcs.net was useful for exploring, but not powerful enough for this task. An interactive python prompt (in an emacs shell for editability) plus the Roundup design document was the solution, once I figured out the api. Here is a simplified transcript. Note I checked the last activity date rather than the date of being marked resolved-in-unstable; the latter was too difficult and turned out to be unnecessary after inspection.

$ python
Python 2.4.4 (#2, Apr 15 2008, 23:43:20)
>>> from roundup import instance
>>> t = instance.open('/var/lib/roundup/trackers/darcs')
>>> t
<roundup.instance.Tracker instance at 0xb7d1110c>
>>> db = t.open('admin')
>>> db
<roundpsycopgsql 0x-488ce294>
>>> db.issue
<hyperdb.Class "issue">
>>> db.issue.list()
['145', '202', '259', '354', '448', ...etc
>>> db.issue.count()
>>> from pprint import pprint as pp
>>> pp(db.issue.getprops())
{'activity': <roundup.hyperdb.Date>,
 'actor': <roundup.hyperdb.Link to "user">,
 'assignedto': <roundup.hyperdb.Link to "user">,
 'creation': <roundup.hyperdb.Date>,
 'creator': <roundup.hyperdb.Link to "user">,
 'files': <roundup.hyperdb.Multilink to "file">,
 'id': <roundup.hyperdb.String>,
 'messages': <roundup.hyperdb.Multilink to "msg">,
 'nosy': <roundup.hyperdb.Multilink to "user">,
 'priority': <roundup.hyperdb.Link to "priority">,
 'status': <roundup.hyperdb.Link to "status">,
 'superseder': <roundup.hyperdb.Multilink to "issue">,
 'title': <roundup.hyperdb.String>,
 'topic': <roundup.hyperdb.Multilink to "keyword">}
>>> help(db.issue.get)
Help on method get in module roundup.backends.rdbms_common:

get(self, nodeid, propname, default=[], cache=1) method of roundup.backends.back_postgresql.IssueClass instance
    Get the value of a property on an existing node of this class.

    'nodeid' must be the id of an existing node of this class or an
    IndexError is raised.  'propname' must be the name of a property
    of this class or a KeyError is raised.

    'cache' exists for backwards compatibility, and is not used.

>>> db.issue.get('792','creation')
<Date 2008-04-12.16:41:47.090>
>>> db.issue.getnode(792)
<roundup.hyperdb.Node instance at 0xb755302c>
>>> db.issue.getnode(792).values()
['7', [], 'Account for --remote-repo in defaultrepo code', ['7', '8', '9', '992'], <Date 2008-04-12.16:41:47.090>, ...
>>> db.issue.getnode(792).keys()
['status', 'topic', 'title', 'nosy', 'creation', 'messages', 'actor', 'priority', 'assignedto', 'creator', 'activity', ...
>>> db.issue.getnode(792).items()
[('status', '7'), ('topic', []), ('title', 'Account for --remote-repo in defaultrepo code'), ('nosy', ['7', '8', '9', ...
>>> db.issue.getnode(792)['status']
>>> db.issue.getnode(792).status
>>> db.status
<hyperdb.Class "status">
>>> db.status.list()
['2', '6', '8', '1', '3', '5', '9', '10', '12', '7', '15', '16', '4']
>>> pp([db.status.getnode(id).items() for id in db.status.list()])
[[('name', 'deferred'),
  ('creator', '1'),
  ('creation', <Date 2005-10-29.17:28:11.830>),
  ('actor', '1'),
  ('order', 2.0),
  ('activity', <Date 2005-10-29.17:28:11.830>),
  ('id', '2')],
 [('name', 'testing'),
  ('creator', '1'),
  ('creation', <Date 2005-10-29.17:28:11.850>),
  ('actor', '1'),
  ('order', 6.0),
  ('activity', <Date 2005-10-29.17:28:11.850>),
  ('id', '6')],
>>> db.issue.find(status='7') # resolved-in-unstable
['145', '200', '22', '207', '580', '136', '510', '209', ...
>>> db.issue.filter(None, {'status':'7'}, [], []) # similar to find
['12', '16', '22', '24', '31', '43', '46', '60', '61', ...
>>> [db.issue.getnode(id).creation for id in db.issue.filter(None, {'status':'7'}, [], [])]
[<Date 2005-11-17.17:30:11.020>, <Date 2005-11-22.12:41:59.780>, ...
>>> from roundup.date import *
>>> Date('2008-06-24')
<Date 2008-06-24.00:00:00.000>
>>> issues = ([db.issue.getnode(id) for id in db.issue.filter(None, {'status':'7'}, [], []) if db.issue.getnode(id).activity < Date('2008-06-24')])
>>> len(issues)
>>> issues[0].status
>>> issues[0].status = '8' # resolved
>>> issues[0].status
>>> for i in issues: i.status = '8'
>>> db.commit()

And again, more briefly:

$ python
Python 2.4.4 (#2, Apr 15 2008, 23:43:20)
>>> from roundup.date import *
from roundup import instance
db = instance.open('/var/lib/roundup/trackers/darcs').open('admin')
issue = db.issue.getnode
def filterissues(spec={},sort=[],group=[]): return db.issue.filter(None,spec,sort,group)

>>> >>> >>> >>> ... >>>
>>> [i for i in filterissues({'status':'10'}) if issue(i).activity < Date('2008-06-24')] # resolved-in-stable
['37', '65', '69', '113', '127', '141', '143', '147', '173', '186', '218', '259', '264', ...
>>> # manually inspect issues in web interface to see if the above is close enough
>>> [setattr(issue(i),'status','8') for i in filterissues({'status':'10'}) if issue(i).activity < Date('2008-06-24')] #resolved
[None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, None, ...
>>> db.commit()

Note the commit is done soon after opening the db connection, since I’m not sure how an open db connection interacts with simultaneous changes via the web.