
This page defines some specific terms as they are used in the context of darcs.



Commutation is a fundamental operation in Darcs. Informally speaking, given two patches in a sequence P1 P2, we say that these patches commute if there is a sequence P2b P1b with the same effect as P1 P2.

The idea is for P1b and P2b to the be the same in spirit as their counterparts P1 and P2. If P1 and P2 are totally unrelated then P1b and P2b are the same. On the other hand, if they are related, then one or both patches may change. For example, suppose P1 is a hunk patch that adds ten lines to the beginning of a file, and P2 being a hunk patch that modifies line 25. If we re-order them as P2b P1b, it would not make sense for P2b to modify line 25 (because the ten lines added by P1 are no longer there), so it should modify line 15 instead.

Things to note:

  • commutation can fail, which indicates that P2 depends on P1
  • commutation is defined only on the basis of the patches themselves with no regard to the surrounding context
  • commutation has to be defined for each possible pair of patch types

For more information about commutation, see the Darcs manual.

composite patch
This is a particular repository state. Uniquely described by (and therefore identified with) a set of patch identities.
effect of a patch
The changes a patch will make to the tree of a context.
grumpy old man
This is an informal term for a process we introduced in the Darcs development to help manage the introduction of new features into Darcs. Some people found it offputting, so it’s been renamed to something more neutral like Skeptic

Hunks are the most common type of primitive patch in Darcs. In darcs, a hunk patch refers to a modification removes and/or adds lines to a contiguous region in a file, indicated by an offset.


  • Git uses seems to use hunks to refer to any for any modification to file, whether or not they are contiguous
  • Addfile, mv, replace, etc patches are not hunks. They are primitive patches, just as hunks are
identity patch
A patch with a null effect, i.e. one that will leave a tree unaltered when applied to a context. One option would be to call this the “null patch” to avoid confusion with “patch identity”
inverse patch
We can’t yet precisely define this but the informal meaning should be obvious. See the Camp work for a forma definition


named patch
A collection of primitive patches, recorded together and given a name, date, author and possibly a longer description. The NamedPatch is identified by a hash name that is (supposed to be) globally unique. The patch can now travel around the world to make its changes included in other repositories, or it can be excluded to return to an older version in a (copy of a) repository.

Something with a patch identity, an effect, and a starting context. The ending context is obtained by the adding the ancestor to the starting context.

Note that this can either refer to primitive patches or (more usual in casual conversation), named patches.

patch bundle
patch identity
Something which uniquely identifies a patch. In Darcs: the patch author, name, log and date.
patch set

TODO (refering to the PatchSet type in the code)

[[(PatchInfo, Maybe Patch)]]

why a list of lists? It seems that each inner list corresponds to a checkpoint, that is, each inner list contains the patches up to that checkpoint. I get this by by studying DarcsRepo.read_repo_private and could well be wrong

why Maybe? PatchSet.lhs mentions something about marking patches clean… it probably has something to do with that

patch theory
This is the overarching formalism. There are some Darcs hackers who do not like this name (eg. Juliusz). Others argue that there is no real problem; we don’t complain about “group theory”, for example. Of course, we have a lot of work to do to make it all as well specified and explained as group theory! We believe Juliusz’s objection may have been to do with the current informality of it all.
primitive patch

A patch that is not constructed from other patches. For example, “delete file” is a primitive patch, and a conflictor is not a primitive patch.

Primitive patches encode different ways to modify a source tree. Patches are exact (not fuzzy) and must be applied in precise order, but through the theory of patches they can be commuted (altered to apply in a different order) without changing the end result. Sometimes a patch depends on another so they can not be commuted. Sometimes two patchs conflict (they typically come from different developers) and the end result is undecidable (ambigous) until the conflict is resolved with a new patch.

NB. It’s actually a bit unclear whether most hunk patches should be treated as primitive, since they could in principle be broken down into a sequence of single-line adds and subtracts, but this may not have the same conflict behaviour. For now we should probably assume that they are to be treated in this way.


split patch (OBSOLETE since ???)
A split patch is similar to a composite patch but rather than being composed of several patches grouped together, it is created from one patch that has been split apart, typically through a merge or commutation.
theory of patches
See patch theory
The set of files/directories etc associated with a context.